California DOT (CDTX) 2002 led a westbound Capitol Train 737 past the California Central Model Railroad Club (CCMRC) in the historic Agnew depot in Santa Clara, CA, on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at 1:49 p.m.
CDTX 2002 is an EMD 710ECO. Reportedly, it's a repowered EMD F59PHI owned by California DOT built in 1994 serial number 926339-2.
#train #trains #railroads #railroading #trainspotting #traindepot #passengertrains
NYT Architecture : A Tour by Train of 5 Dazzling European Cities #HotelsandTravelLodgings #Copenhagen(Denmark) #Zurich(Switzerland) #TravelandVacations #Stockholm(Sweden) #Berlin(Germany) #Culture(Arts) #Architecture #Milan(Italy) #traintravel #Railroads #WineBars #Museums
Unexploded World War II Bomb Found at Gare du Nord in Paris Halts Trains #Delays(Transportation) #Europe #Eurostar #France #GareDuNord(Paris #ParisFrance #Railroads #SNCF(SocieteNationaleDesCheminsDeFerFrancais) #WorldWarII(193945)
Just finished this one up and it was a good one.
Trains for Nature: Railroads and the American Land.
"Alfred challenges our blind embrace of highways and airports, revealing how the decline of passenger rail has scarred America's legendary landscapes. From national parks to urban corridors, he demonstrates how modern transportation choices are destroying the very vistas we claim to cherish."
#bookreview #trains #TrainsofMastodon #Environmentalhistory #Nature #Railroads #BookRecomondations
SN F-units at Niles
Set of Athearn Genesis HO Sacramento Northern (SN) F-units at the Tri-City Society of Model Engineers model railroad in the historic Niles depot in Fremont, CA on Friday night, February 28, 2025.
The real SN 301-A was an EMD F3A. Reportedly, it was built in 1948 as NYO&W 501, builders number 3146. Purchased in 1957 it became SN 301-A. It was retired circa 1970, traded to EMD.
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luxury development plays fast-and-loose with heritage railroad. shit sucks